Board Management Efficiency – Using Board Portals and Software to Improve Efficiency

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Many people view the efficiency of board management primarily by referring to the directors themselves and how they are equipped to lead the best practices and speed up decision-making. But a successful and well-functioning board is a complex set of components that have to be able to coexist in order to be effective. This includes shaping the board’s structure with an eye on performance and regular evaluation procedures and establishing a culture of collaboration that is supportive of high-performing boards.

The use of software for managing boards is a major factor in achieving this. Board portals can be a great way to streamline communication and allow board members to share documents in a safe environment. This means that there is no necessity to send long email chains, which can cause confusion about versioning. All participants can easily access and review the information they need.

It is also crucial to ensure that all teams and committees can benefit from the same efficiencies of the board, by using board software for their everyday activities. Everyone will have the data they require to make quick decisions and sensitive data will be secured and only accessible only to the right people.

This can be accomplished by ensuring all users have access to the full suite of features on the board, including chat and annotating, and easy virtual meetings integrations. However, you’ll still be able to set specific access restrictions for sensitive information. Memorial Health System, for instance has been able extend its use of board software to include multiple committees and other internal groups, bringing additional efficiencies outside the traditional board level.